Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remember, You're an Individual (Just Like Everyone Else)

You might have guessed that I've put some thought into the concept of blogging. One question which particularly interested me was this: what makes me so fucking special that I deserve to occupy your time with my thoughts, anecdotes etc.? This is far more applicable to those people who don't know me, but not entirely irrelevant to those who do.

The answer to this question is obvious and I'm not about to give myself a hard time for writing a blog, but the question was borne out of the observation that there are far too many people out there who speak and act as if it would be positively rude not to bestow upon them the same kind of priority they baselessly award themselves. This is what one would refer to as an over-inflated sense of self-importance. Look for it and you'll find it everywhere: seas of dim-witted nobodies without the slightest notion of humility or perspective. In objective terms, I too am a nobody, but my realisation of this will, in part, form a basis for the way in which I interact with other people (you might imagine me at this point caressing myself in an orgy of pharisaism - I'm not. This doesn't necessarily equate to me saying I'm better than these people, though it does bring up an interesting discussion about the best possible Ben, what constitutes a good person and the concept of comparing people in terms of good, better and best, but that will have to wait. Perhaps years...).

Solipsism ['sO-l&p-"si-z&m, 'sä-] n.
Etymology: Latin
solus alone + ipse self
1. The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified.
2. The theory or view that the self is the only reality.

1 comment:

Chocolate Monkey said...

We’ve talked about this a lot. I think I am going to blog on the tug-of-war between ‘belonging’ and ‘individuality’. It’s painful to think of how many of our choices were never choices at all. Painful and sad. We can’t help who we are but at the same time every decision we make defines us. I just can’t get my head around it this Saturday afternoon- I’m far too hungover.

We are all world leader pretends. Those of us who know it are surely better for it?

I am also going to blog on the following important distinctions:

· the person we think we are
· the person we are; and
· the person we want to be.

There’s an incredible amount of mileage here and we’ve barely started.