Monday, December 19, 2005

Swimming with Sharks

I have just received a phone call telling me that they are going to offer me a 25% pay increase and extend my contract until the end of February (I'm just waiting for the e-mail to confirm). I honestly can not believe it - do they not notice the fact that I don't wear a suit or tie anymore and I only shave once a week? What about when I sit around looking at the internet for hours (/ days?), or when I get a manicure from the girl on the next desk to me? The fact that I've been in second gear and making silly mistakes for the last month or so? They're quite literally closing their eyes and throwing money at me...

Of course, I'll accept - I couldn't honestly turn all that money down, but I'm now wondering at what point I sold my soul to the devil. Another holiday postponement then I guess...

New Old Me

Pick a colour, pick a number, pick a resolution (in no particular order)...

- Stop binge-drinking
- Eliminate the possibility of future cocaine use
- Get a girlfriend (!)
- Start exercising again
- Get my guitar and amps down to London
- Write some songs
- Join a band
- Build my parents a PC
- Stop trying to please everybody
- Take up a martial art
- Give more money to charity
- Volunteer
- Take a holiday
- Take up Salsa dancing
- Stop picking my nose in public
- Read more
- Assess/ regard women as potential friends rather than potential sexual conquests
- Eat less meat